Air Navigation Commission

Air Navigation Commission

The Air Navigation Commission Talks (ANC Talks) were created as a means to allow the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) to engage with industry and aviation stakeholders to discuss different topics related to the future of aviation. The ANC Talks features interviews with distinguished guests that provide an overview of the topic at hand.

ICAO’s ANC considers and recommends Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) for adoption or approval by the ICAO Council.

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Air Navigation Commission
  • The ANC Talks Series Interview: ARGOSAI: Artificial intelligence for the future

    Agenda items:

    - Artificial Intelligence: Now and its Future
    - How can AI help the Aviation sector?
    - AI Solution to enhance the safety on runways
    - The future of AI in Aviation: Need for visionary leadership
    - Istanbul Airport Speech
    - Gazipaşa Airport Speech

    The presenters will be:

    - Mr....

  • ANC Talks Series: IFALPA: Cognitive Bias and Safety

    - Captain Jack Netskar, President of IFALPA
    - Captain Uwe Harter, Executive Vice-President for Technical and Safety Standards
    - Arnaud du Bédat, Senior Technical Officer
    - Gordon Margison, Senior Technical Officer
    - Captain Kimberly Perkins, PhD student University of Washington

  • DFS German Air Navigation Service

    Mr. Arndt Schoenemann
    Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairman of the Executive Board
    DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung
    German Air Navigation Service

  • The State of the Art in North Atlantic Air Navigation Service Provision

    The focus of the presentation is on: the current situation in terms of Air Navigation Services provision in one of the largest FIRs in the World.
    The presenters will be:

    • Mr Tiago Lima Reis, Head of ATCO On-the-Job Training
    • Mr José de Sousa, Nav Portugal’s Director of Operations of Santa M...

  • UAS operations in the Global South

    Catalina Ochoa, World Bank Group (WBG): Senior Urban Transport Specialist (Tanzania)
    David Guerin, Consultant WBG representing African Drone Forum: UAS safety and regulations (England)
    Denise Soesilo, Industry Liaison vice governme...

  • WFP (World Food Programme) Aviation Safety

    Mr. Amir Abdulla
    Deputy Executive Director, Aviation Accountable Manager, and Chairperson of the WFP Aviation Safety Board

    WFP Aviation (PPT ANC)
    Mr. Philippe Martou
    Director, Aviation Services

    WFP Aviation Safety (ASU PPT)
    Mr. Mario Sibrian
    Chief, Aviation Safety Unit

  • Development of Halon Replacement Agents for Aircraft Cargo Compartments

    The presentation is provided by: the ICCAIA; on the Development Work for Halon Replacements for the Cargo Compartment, Halon Replacements for Engines and APUs and The activity and progress of the Halon Alternatives for Aircraft Propulsion Systems (HAAPS) Consortium.

    Mr. André Freilin...

  • Emerging Technologies and Innovation

    Focus on new concept of operations.

    Presenter: Alain De Zotti, Head of Aircraft Architecture and Integration

  • Strategies of Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Management and Practical Exploration

    Background on the Strategies of Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Management, the Practical Exploration 1: Airport Geofencing and the Practical Exploration 2: UTMISS.

    Zhang Jianping, Deputy Director of ATM Engineering Technology Research Institute, CAACSRI
    Zou Xiang, Head of ATM Operation Se...

  • ANC: Autonomous Distress Tracking Systems

    Proposed solutions meeting the requirements of Annex 6 Part I, 6.18 location of an aircraft in distress.

    Mr. Jon Gilbert, BlueSky.
    Mr. Paul Roux, SatAuth.
    Mr. Emmanuel Sicsik-Paré, Orolia - ELT/DT.
    Mr. Claude Pichavant, Airbus.

  • 5G Signal Interference with Aviation Radar Altimeters (RADALTs)

    Presentation on the 5G Signal Interference with Aviation Radar Altimeters (RADALTs).

    Terry McVenes, RTCA
    Al Secen, RTCA
    Chris Hope, FAA.
    Philippe Barnola, Head of Strategy and Investment, French Air Navigation Service Provider
    Hette HOEKEMA, Chief expert Avionics and Electrical Syste...

  • Urban Air Mobility with Joby Aviation

    Interview with Job Aviation. Guests include:
    - Mr. Greg Bowles, Head of Government Affairs
    - Mr. Bill Goodwin, Deputy General Counsel for Policy and Regulatory
    - Mr. Max Fenkell, Policy and Government Affairs Lead
    - Mr. John Illson, Commercial Operations and Certification Lead

    - Mr. Mitch ...

  • Current and future challenges in air cargo with TIACA

    Interview with The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA):
    - Mr. Vladimir Zubkov, Special Advisor to the TIACA Board on Industry Affairs
    - Mr. Steven Polmans, Chairman, TIACA Board of Directors, Director Cargo & Logistics, Miami Dade Aviation Department
    - Mr. Emir Pineda , TIACA Board Member...

  • Electronic Pilot Licence (EPL) Implementation in China

    The presenters include:
    Mr. Ming Zeng - Director, General Aviation Division of Flight Standards Department at CAAC
    Mr. Adrien Sanglier - Digital Identity Program Manager at SITA
    Mr Nabil Naoumi - President of the ANC at ICAO

  • Interview with ASECNA

    Interview with Mohamed Moussa, Director General of ASECNA.

  • Interview with CANSO

    Interview with Simon Hocquard, Director General at CANSO. Discussion on COVID-19 and the global impact on ATM.

  • Business Aviation

    For the last ANC Talk of the 214th session of the Air Navigation Commission, IBAC was invited to present the organization’s mission, mandate and structure, followed by an overview of business aviation and its contribution to economic and societal development. IBAC’s Standard Programmes, such as t...

  • The Path Forward for Airspace and Traffic Management

  • EUROCONTROL: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery

    An interview with Eamonn Brennan, Director General at EUROCONTROL.

  • EASA Safety Innovation

  • Stratospheric Operations

  • Competency-based Training

  • The IATA IOSA Program

    An overview of the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) programme with Gilberto Lopez, Senior Vice President, Safety and Flight Operations at IATA.

  • Airports: Istanbul

    Interview with Kadri Samsunlu, CEO of Istanbul Airport.