8 Seasons

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  • Invitation to ICAO Security Week 2024

    Episode 1

    Invitation by His Excellency ​Eng. Naif Ali Hamad Al Abri, President of the Civil Aviation Authority, Oman to
    mark in the calendar the dates for the next edition of the Global Aviation Security Symposium (AVSEC2024), which will be convened from 15 to 17 October 2024 in Muscat, Oman. Updates will...

  • ICAO Security Week 2023 Side Event: "Safeguarding Skies" - Closing Remarks UNOCT

    Episode 2

    Closing Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)
    Recognizing the pivotal role of UN commitments in shaping the global response to terrorism, the side event "Safeguarding Skies: The critical link between UN Counter-Terrorism and ...

  • ICAO Security Week 2023 Side Event: "Safeguarding Skies"- Opening Remarks UNCTED

    Episode 3

    Opening Remarks by Ms. Natalia Gherman, Assistant Secretary-General, Executive Director, United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee (UNCTED)
    Recognizing the pivotal role of UN commitments in shaping the global response to terrorism, the side event "Safeguarding Skies: The critical link between UN...

  • ICAO Security Week 2023 Side Event: "Safeguarding Skies"- Opening Remarks Canada

    Episode 4

    Opening Remarks by Mr. Robert Rae, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations in New York
    Recognizing the pivotal role of UN commitments in shaping the global response to terrorism, the side event "Safeguarding Skies: The critical link between UN Counter-Terrorism and...

  • Day 1: Opening Session

    Episode 5

    "Salvatore Sciacchitano, President of the Council, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
    Lisa J. Setlakwe, Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety & Security, Transport Canada
    Dr. Bader S. Alsagri, Representative of Saudi Arabia on the Council of ICAO, and Chairperson of the Aviation Securit...

  • Day 1: Leaders Plenary: Aviation Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience

    Episode 6

    "This session provides an opportunity for senior leaders to discuss current challenges and opportunities in addressing the resilience of civil aviation's critical infrastructure against past, new and emerging threats. Emphasis will be placed on new technologies and innovative processes and soluti...

  • Day 1: Aviation - pivotal piece of the national critical infrastructure puzzle

    Episode 7

    The threats to national critical infrastructure are growing in complexity, with new modus operandi, as well as a broader range of perpetrators. Amongst many targets, terrorist groups continue to perceive attacks against international civil aviation as an effective way to cause substantial loss of...

  • Skytalk - ​Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP)

    Episode 8

    Ricardo Fernandes, Aviation Security Senior Officer and National Civil Aviation Security Inspector, Facilitation and Security Directorate, Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC)

  • Day 2: Opening Remarks

    Episode 9

    Pascal Andrei, Chief Security Officer, Airbus

  • Day 2: Charting the Skies: crafting effective AVSEC policy for a safer future

    Episode 10

    Charting the Skies: crafting effective aviation security policy for a safer future
    Aviation security policy plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the global air transportation network against evolving threats. This session will delve into the complex landscape of aviation security policy, address...

  • Day 2: Aviation cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection

    Episode 11

    Aviation cybersecurity is part of a wider ecosystem that covers the protection of digital and physical infrastructure at all levels. This requires coordination between different concerned aviation and non-aviation authorities to ensure structured, holistic and consistent regulation and oversight ...

  • Skytalk - One-Stop Security (OSS)

    Episode 12

    Sonia Hifdi, Chief, Aviation Security Policy Section, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

    Juan Lamosa, Chief, Aviation Security Audit Section, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

  • Day 2: Flight Safety and Security in Turbulent Times: Navigating Conflict Zones

    Episode 13

    Conflict zones pose an undeniable risk to civil aviation operations as demonstrated by the downings of Korean Airlines Flight 007 in 1983, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in 2014, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 in 2020, among other tragedies. As global conflicts increase and weapon system...

  • Skytalk - Logyx

    Episode 14

  • Day 2: Getting the human part of our security systems right

    Episode 15

    This session will highlight why human factors and human performance considerations are critical to the design of security processes, procedures, and systems. Emphasis will be placed on the security posture of staff and how organizations can promote positive security behaviours and a strong and ef...

  • Day 3: Opening Remarks

    Episode 16

    Sonia Hifdi, Chief, Aviation Security Policy Section, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

  • Day 3: Aviation Cybersecurity: modern risk management approaches

    Episode 17

    Aviation Cybersecurity: modern risk management approaches to safe and secure digital innovation and aircraft airworthiness
    ​Session by IATA
    The next generation of civil aviation airspace will involve a lot more traffic as well as new technologies that have not necessarily made their mark yet in t...

  • Skytalk - DSA Detection – Single focus, single source

    Episode 18

  • Day 3: Integrated Risk Management

    Episode 19

    Integrated Risk Management: preparing for a future state of industry who face and own risks known and unknown
    Session by IATA
    This panel discussion will touch upon Integrated Risk Management (IRM) as a systematic, proactive, and holistic approach to assessing and managing risk in any organization...

  • Skytalk - Osprey - Flight solutions

    Episode 20

  • Day 3: The Perfect Duo - Technology and Human Elements

    Episode 21

    The Perfect Duo - Technology and Human Elements: improving security at airports
    Session by ACI
    Within the dynamic aviation landscape, airports face evolving challenges, where striking a balance between innovative technology and the essential human touch is crucial. This session will explore the...

  • Day 3: Leveraging Open Source Intelligence for aviation security risk assessment

    Episode 22

    Data, information and intelligence collection on aviation security related events and occurrences is of key importance in understanding the current security landscape, identifying potential threats and anticipating trends. Besides the information provided by government official services, not wid...

  • Day 4: Opening Remarks

    Episode 23

    Éric Caire, Minister of Cybersecurity and Digital Technology, Government of Québec

  • Day 4: Harmonizing risk management in Safety and Security: towards an IRM?

    Episode 24

    Harmonizing risk management in Safety and Security: towards an Integrated Risk Management?
    ​The development of Management Systems, inherited from the standardized Quality Management Systems approach, brings in the aviation domain the Safety Management Systems, or SMS, the Security Management Syst...