Day 2: Aviation cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection
1h 13m
Aviation cybersecurity is part of a wider ecosystem that covers the protection of digital and physical infrastructure at all levels. This requires coordination between different concerned aviation and non-aviation authorities to ensure structured, holistic and consistent regulation and oversight of aviation stakeholders under all relevant regulatory frameworks. The panel will discuss the experience of States and stakeholders in achieving this coordination from regulatory and operational perspectives.
Opening Remarks: Patrick Mana, Cyber-security Program Manager and EATM-CERT Manager, EUROCONTROL
Moderator: Ambassador Laurent Pic, Representative of France on the Council of ICAO
His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Al Kuwaiti, Head of Cybersecurity, United Arab Emirates
Sirajo M. Gidado, Cyber Security Analyst, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority
Graeme Phillips, Director of Aviation Security, Department of Home Affairs, Australia, and Secondee with the Transportation Security Administration, United States
Opening Remarks: Patrick Mana, Cyber-security Program Manager and EATM-CERT Manager, EUROCONTROL
Moderator: Ambassador Laurent Pic, Representative of France on the Council of ICAO
His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Al Kuwaiti, Head of Cybersecurity, United Arab Emirates
Graeme Phillips, Director, Aviation Security Strategic Policy, Australia
Up Next in ICAO Security Week 2023: AVSEC & CYBERSEC
Skytalk - One-Stop Security (OSS)
Sonia Hifdi, Chief, Aviation Security Policy Section, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Juan Lamosa, Chief, Aviation Security Audit Section, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Day 2: Flight Safety and Security in ...
Conflict zones pose an undeniable risk to civil aviation operations as demonstrated by the downings of Korean Airlines Flight 007 in 1983, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in 2014, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 in 2020, among other tragedies. As global conflicts increase and weapon system...
Skytalk - Logyx