Day 2: Flight Safety and Security in Turbulent Times: Navigating Conflict Zones
1h 5m
Conflict zones pose an undeniable risk to civil aviation operations as demonstrated by the downings of Korean Airlines Flight 007 in 1983, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in 2014, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 in 2020, among other tragedies. As global conflicts increase and weapon systems become more sophisticated, the global civil aviation community remains committed to enhancing the safety of aircraft operations over or near conflict zones. This session will bring together a panel of experts from States and industry to discuss the challenges in managing conflict zone risk. Panellists will address best practices in assessing and mitigating risk to civil aviation operations as conflicts emerge or evolve, as well as existing guidance, such as the Third edition of the ICAO Risk Assessment Manual for Civil Aircraft Operations Over or Near Conflict Zones (Doc 10084), and the work developed by the global Safer Skies Consultative Committee.
Moderator: John Velho, Executive Director, International Aviation, Transport Canada
Opening Remarks: Kas Beumkes, Senior Aviation Policy Advisor, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Netherlands
Abdulla A. Al-Nsour, Director, Civil Aviation Security and Facilitation, Aviation Security and Facilitation Directorate, Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission (CARC), Jordan
Dr. Michael O. Aomo, Ph.D, Manager Air Traffic Services, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority
Adam Borkowski, Aviation Security and Intelligence Expert, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Daniel Vaca, Head International Security and Contingency, Operations Safety and Security, International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Up Next in ICAO Security Week 2023: AVSEC & CYBERSEC
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Day 2: Getting the human part of our ...
This session will highlight why human factors and human performance considerations are critical to the design of security processes, procedures, and systems. Emphasis will be placed on the security posture of staff and how organizations can promote positive security behaviours and a strong and ef...
Day 3: Opening Remarks
Sonia Hifdi, Chief, Aviation Security Policy Section, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)