Symposium on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families (AAAVF)
AAAVF 2024 - Day 1 - Assistance to Accident Victims - Global Pathways
1h 14m
This session will focus on means to ensure adequate assistance to aircraft accident victims and their families will be provided in all parts of the world. What cross-border or intermodal arrangements could perhaps help to secure the availability of such assistance? Putting in place and maintaining appropriate emergency support systems requires commitment, vision and determination. It relies on strategic decisions taken by both States and industry, in terms of time and money. States and industry are called to invest even though the probability of experiencing an aircraft accident and having to deal with the consequences is statistically low. How to weigh up the costs and benefits of such support systems and how ensure that the necessary steps are taken to develop and maintain an adequate level of expertise and availability of resources in all regions?
Moderator: Michel Arslanian, ICAO Council Representative Brazil.
Round Table Discussion / Q&As
• Susheel Gupta, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
• Elmarie Marais, Chief Executive Officer, GoCrisis.
• Abigail Pollard, Blake Emergency Services.
• Patricia Reverdy, Executive Secretary European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).
• Gill Sparrow, Manager Emergency Response Planning Emirates, Chair IATA Emergency Response Planning Task Force (ERP-TF).
Up Next in AAAVF 2024
AAAVF 2024 - Day 1 - Wrap-up Day 1
Henri van Faassen, Director of Civil Aviation, DGCA Netherlands.
AAAVF 2024 - Day 2 - Review of ICAO R...
This session will provide an in-depth review of existing ICAO materials: Annex 9 provisions, Assembly Resolution A41-14 on assistance to victims, implementation of ICAO Documents 9973 and 9998, examples of implementation of the requirements in States and recent ICAO audits within the USOAP framew...
AAAVF 2024 - Day 2 - Insurance and Co...
This session will analyze existing international liability and insurance regimes that cover air carrier liability for passenger death and bodily injury in the event of an accident. It will also highlight the importance of ensuring fair compensation for victims while maintaining the stability of t...