Symposium on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families (AAAVF)
AAAVF 2024 - Day 2 - Review of ICAO Rules and Guidance Material
1h 4m
This session will provide an in-depth review of existing ICAO materials: Annex 9 provisions, Assembly Resolution A41-14 on assistance to victims, implementation of ICAO Documents 9973 and 9998, examples of implementation of the requirements in States and recent ICAO audits within the USOAP framework.
In addition, implementation experience of ICAO’s requirements in States will be discussed from different perspectives: victims’ associations, oversight authorities, airport operators, airlines and victim’s assistance coordination bodies. Specific attention will be paid to the importance of training, including the development of ICAO iPacks.
Moderator: Jorge Vargas, ICAO Director Capacity Development and Implementation.
Introduction by Janet CHEMELI, ICAO Air Transport Bureau (ATB) and Thor Thormodsson, ICAO Air Navigation Bureau (ANB).
Panel Discussion // Q&As
• Gail Dunham, National Air Disaster Alliance Foundation, United States.
• Olivier Ferrante, Chair ICAO Accident Investigation Panel (AIG).
• Gail Rowntree, Buckinghamshire New University.
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