A40 Skytalks
Skytalks are 30-minute presentations, including Q&A, by aviation subject matter experts on topics related to the development of the industry, its regulations, and its future. Skytalks profile international civil aviation developments of interest and importance to the entire aviation community.
The ICAO Assembly is the Organization’s sovereign body. It meets at least once every three years and is convened by ICAO’s governing body, the Council. The 40th Session of the Assembly (A40) took place in 2019 and convened ICAO's 193 Member States, aviation stakeholders, and a large number of international organizations to review the worldwide policy of the Organization for the upcoming triennium.
Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)
Being one of the facilitation programmes, the ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (ICAO TRIP) Strategy provides a framework for achieving significant enhancements in both aviation security and facilitation. The presentation will detail the five elements of a robust traveller identification ma...
Sustainable Fuels: Vision 2050 Stocktaking
Renewable energy is being pursued by various sectors. This Skytalk will provide an overlook on the development and deployment of renewable energy sources for aviation, in support of the ICAO Environmental Goals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This Skytalk will focus o...
CORSIA Central Registry (CCR)
Description to come
Stelios Pesmajoglou
Environment Officer (MBM) -
Online Framework (OLF)
The USOAP OLF is a suite of web-integrated modules and centralized database systems, which enables the collection of safety-related information and documentation from ICAO and State users, the monitoring and reporting of safety oversight activities by ICAO Member States, and the notification of d...
Aircraft Registration Network (ARN)
ICAOs vision to develop a network of connected State registries for manned and unmanned aircraft, intended to consolidate key information on the global fleet in order to provide valuable inter-State operability services back to States, Air Operators, and others in the international aviation commu...
Unmanned Aviation: Addressing Emerging Challenges to Support Safe Development
The presentation will address the following:
- Update on uses and business models for unmanned aircraft;
- Aviation regulation applies to unmanned aircraft;
- Innovative nature of technologies, sometimes at odds with the existing regulatory framework: Which flight rules? Impact of automation on r... -
Facilitation Training courses
Facilitation Training courses- Control of travel documents and Annex 9 provisions. The presentation will describe the contents of the ICAO Training Package (ITP) ‘’Control of the authenticity and validity of travel documents at airport borders’’ which is available in all ICAO languages and will p...
Training Tools Supporting Capacity Building
Interested in ICAO training tools and services that can assist your organization in building capacity?
The ICAO Global Aviation Training Office invites you to discover a portfolio of effective web based tools and applications, including the ICAO Training Needs Analysis (TNA) tool; the ICAO trai... -
Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP)
USOAP CMA audits and other related activities focus on a State's capability in providing safety oversight by assessing whether the State has effectively and consistently implemented the critical elements (CEs) of a safety oversight system, which enable the State to ensure the implementation of IC...
Passenger Data Exchange
This presentation will explain how to implement Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) systems as per Annex 9 – Facilitation provisions, highlighting the necessary regulatory framework to set up, describing API and PNR data content and format as well as their transmis...
Aviation Security Risk Management
This Skytalk focuses on the ICAO aviation security risk assessment process. In conducting risk assessments, organizations must identify the threats they face, and then analyze the likelihood of those threat scenarios being carried out while taking account of existing vulnerabilities and the conse...
Integrated Staffing and Training Roadmap for Inspectors (iSTRI)
Integrated Staffing and Training Roadmap for Inspectors (iSTRI)
Dunia Abboud
Associate Analysis Officer
Evaluating the Risk in the Airport Surrounding Areas
The presentation is intended to show the strategy adopted by ENAC to safeguard the areas surrounding airports and under flight-paths. A risk-based framework has been developed to support an effective planning both on and off airport sites.
The regulatory framework, developed for the italian airp...
Introduction to the ICAO Training Portfolio
Are you a training organization involved in any specialized aviation-related area? Learn more about the membership benefits of the ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Programme, and the ICAO portfolio of training packages that can suit your needs.
Mekki Lahlou
TRAINAIR plus Programme Coordinator
ICAO Voluntary States' Action Plans
State Action Plans are a voluntary planning and reporting tool for States to communicate information on their activities to address CO2 emissions from international civil aviation to ICAO. They will enable ICAO to compile global progress towards meeting the goals set by ICAO for the international...
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)
At the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly, States adopted the CORSIA to complement a broader basket of measures to achieve the global aspirational goal of carbon-neutral growth from 2020 onwards.. In an unprecedented short period of time ICAO developed CORSIA Standards and Recommended Practices (S...
Aviation Data Systems and Science
Aviation data systems and science talk will focus on how data have impacted the aviation industry in the recent years and how it will shape the future of aviation. We will look at what type of data is generated by the industry, how it is used and what will be the future use for those ever increas...
ICAO Air Services Negotiation (ICAN) Event and Tools
The ICAO Air Services Negotiation (ICAN) event has been a central meeting platform for States to conduct multiple bilateral (regional or plurilateral) air services negotiations or consultations. This session provides an overview of ICAN and its latest development.
Julie Zabrodska
Asso... -
ICAO Safety Management Future Work
This Skytalk aims to share the current work programme of ICAO as it pertains to safety management stemming from the Recommendations of the 13th Air Navigation Conference to support States in implementing effective State Safety Programmes (SSP) and ensure that the aviation community is prepared to...
Aviation Satellite Account
Robust, reliable and accurate data is the basis for data-driven policy-making and evaluation for aviation development planning. This session presents ICAO's development in the methodological framework of "Aviation Satellite Account" for measuring an economic impact of aviation on national economy...
ICAO Traffic Forecasts and Tools
This session provides the development of ICAO long-term traffic forecasts, and outlook of air traffic in the next 10, 20, 30 years. In addition, an ICAO application which enables customization of forecasts will be presented.
Sainarayan A
Chief, Aviation Data Analysis, Economic Develop... -
Aviation Benefits (on behalf of IHLG)
With the aim of raising the awareness of the importance and the role of aviation, ICAO, in collaboration with industry organizations, i.e. ACI, CANSO, IATA and ICCAIA, developed a joint report to showcase the socio-economic benefits of aviation. Highlights of the report will be presented in this ...
A Simplified Procurement Process by Cobec Consulting
This presentation is a simple overview of a standard and repeatable procurement process for the education of States in support of their mission to modernize their Aviation Infrastructure. This presentation highlights major milestones, tools, and methodologies that States can employ to measure per...
Preventing Transmission of Infectious Disease
Recent outbreaks such as Ebola and Measles have raised concerns regarding the spread of diseases worldwide within a short timeframe. In addition, crew and passengers are concerned about becoming infected during air travel. Apart from health implications, outbreaks could also have significant ope...