Sustainable Fuels: Vision 2050 Stocktaking
A40 Skytalks
Renewable energy is being pursued by various sectors. This Skytalk will provide an overlook on the development and deployment of renewable energy sources for aviation, in support of the ICAO Environmental Goals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This Skytalk will focus on the various processes and feedstocks available for the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels
The ICAO Vision for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) calls for a significant proportion of aviation fuels to be substituted with SAF by 2050. To achieve this scenario, ICAO organizes regular seminars to assess and quantify global progress on SAF development and deployment. The results of this SAF stocktaking process will lay down the basis for the third ICAO Conference on Aviation Alternative Fuels in 2025.
Looking to the future, this SkyTalk will provide a prospect on the use of electricity and hydrogen as renewable energy sources for aircraft operations and at airports.
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CORSIA Central Registry (CCR)
Description to come
Stelios Pesmajoglou
Environment Officer (MBM) -
Online Framework (OLF)
The USOAP OLF is a suite of web-integrated modules and centralized database systems, which enables the collection of safety-related information and documentation from ICAO and State users, the monitoring and reporting of safety oversight activities by ICAO Member States, and the notification of d...
Aircraft Registration Network (ARN)
ICAOs vision to develop a network of connected State registries for manned and unmanned aircraft, intended to consolidate key information on the global fleet in order to provide valuable inter-State operability services back to States, Air Operators, and others in the international aviation commu...