Evaluating the Risk in the Airport Surrounding Areas
A40 Skytalks
The presentation is intended to show the strategy adopted by ENAC to safeguard the areas surrounding airports and under flight-paths. A risk-based framework has been developed to support an effective planning both on and off airport sites.
The regulatory framework, developed for the italian airports, is based on the analyses of accidents occurred in the last 20 years around the airports. The analyses are performed through the use of the software SDAC – Spatial Distribution of Aircraft Crashes, created in cooperation with the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
The database includes more than 1700 accidents and it is updated on a three year basis. SDAC provides a graphical representation of the spatial distribution of air accidents with respect to a “virtual normalized runway” and allows the management of accident data.
The tool is also useful to conduct statistical analysis on accidence occurrences or to study the characteristics of different events like runway excursions and the related issues.
The software has been already used by ADOP to support some updating activities of the Annex 14.
Alessandro Cardi
Deputy Director General
ENAC (Italian CAA)
Costantino Pandolfi
Head of Airport Develpoment Unit
ENAC (Italian CAA)
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