Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)

Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)

7 Seasons

The MRTD field has been rapidly evolving into the broader global agenda of traveller identification management. At the 38th Session of ICAO Assembly (24 September – 4 October 2013), Member States adopted the ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (ICAO TRIP) Strategy, which aims to establish the goal and objectives of traveller identification management, to lead and reinforce a global approach, and to provide direction for action by ICAO, States and the many international, regional and industry partners in identification management. The ICAO TRIP Strategy presents a framework for multidimensional integrated efforts and synergies, under ICAO's leadership, to support ICAO's Strategic Objectives in the 2014-2016 triennium and beyond.

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Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)
  • Day 1 : Opening session

    Episode 1

    Senior officials from ICAO and other organizations will provide high-level perspectives on new technological opportunities to improve traveller identification. The speakers will provide insight regarding policies, strategic steps and best practices to better enable a successful application and us...

  • Day 1: Recents developments

    Episode 2

    Effective implementation of the ICAO TRIP Strategy is essential in helping States optimize the economic, social, and political benefits of international travel and to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The TRIP Strategy also helps to manage security risks and to respond to ...

  • Day 1: Biometric technology and its use in human identification

    Episode 3

  • Day 1: Machine readable travel documents (MRTDS)

    Episode 4

    Current and emerging ICAO Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD) specifications for passports, visas and identity cards are significant tools to enhance traveller identification management and security measures. The implementation of related ICAO Annex 9 Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP...

  • Skytalk - Covestro

    Episode 5

  • Skytalk - Muhlbauer

    Episode 6

  • Skytalk - Entrust

    Episode 7

  • Skytalk - Veridos

    Episode 8

  • Skytalk - SITA - Benefits of digital pre-clearance for all stakeholders

    Episode 9

  • Skytalk - SICPA

    Episode 10

  • Skytalk - IN GROUPE

    Episode 11

  • Skytalk - Emptech

    Episode 12

  • Skytalk - SECURIPORT

    Episode 13

  • Skytalk - HID

    Episode 14

  • Day 2: Inspection systems and tools

    Episode 15

    An essential element in strengthening border security is the validation of electronic MRTDs. Validation of the travel document is a vital pre-requisite for border inspection systems to provide secure and reliable facial recognition matches between travel documents and travellers, as well as condu...

  • Day 2: Document issuance and control

    Episode 16

    This session will focus on processes and protocols for document issuance by appropriate authorities to authorized holders and controls to prevent theft, tampering and loss. Examples supporting ICAO minimum security standards for issuance and recommended guidelines for increased document security ...

  • Day 3: Interoperable applications

    Episode 17

    Interoperable applications leverage the use of data contained in MRTDs and from other sources. They integrate law enforcement and inter-agency aspects into border control, including by making use of API and PNR, with the end goal of enhancing traveler identification and risk assessment of travele...

  • Day 3: Capacity building and assistance to states

    Episode 18

    This session will highlight the implementation of various aspects of the ICAO TRIP Strategy, notably regarding passenger data, border management and the ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD). Further session focus will highlight the UN’s comprehensive capacity-building programme that, together with par...

  • Day 3: Closing trip symposium remarks - preopening Interpol

    Episode 19

    Narjess Abdennebi, Chief, Facilitation Section, International Civil Aviation Organization

    Cyril Gout, Director, Operational Support and Analysis, INTERPOL

  • Day 3 - Entrust Presentation

    Episode 20

  • Day 3: Use of biometrics in the travel continuum

    Episode 21

    Biometric recognition technologies are shaping passenger processing and the identification of travellers in the travel continuum. Enhanced biometric verification and identification tools are contributing to facilitation and security objectives across all ICAO TRIP elements. This session will high...

  • Day 3: Role of biometric in counter-terrorism

    Episode 22

    Given the international nature of terrorism today, competent authorities must cooperate more efficiently and effectively. Law enforcement entities play a critical role in efforts to prevent terrorism and they should develop protocols and mechanisms to actively share information about potential ...

  • Day 3: Closing remarks

    Episode 23

    Sylvain Lefoyer, Deputy Director, Aviation Security & Facilitation, ICAO