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ICAO Stocktaking Series

LTAG – Day 2: Session 4: Airports and Infrastructure

1h 34m

Up Next in 2024 ICAO LTAG Stocktaking

  • LTAG – Day 2: Session 5: SAF, LCAF an...

    LTAG – Day 2: Session 5: SAF, LCAF and Cleaner Energies – Part 1: Overview of ICAO Global Framework adopted by CAAF/3

    The Session 5 will start with the ICAO presentation of CAAF/3 outcomes and the Global Framework, including recent developments on four Building Blocks:
    1) policy and planning.

  • LTAG – Day 2: Session 5: SAF, LCAF an...

    LTAG – Day 2: Session 5: SAF, LCAF and Cleaner Energies – Part 2: Latest developments on feedstocks, pathways and technologies.

    Session 5: SAF, LCAF and Cleaner Energies – Part 2: Latest developments on feedstocks, pathways and technologies

    Building upon the ICAO Global Framework adopted at CA...

  • Session 5: SAF, LCAF and Cleaner Ener...

    Building upon the ICAO Global Framework adopted at CAAF/3, this Session 5 Part 3 will focus on the latest progress in developing policies all around the world that fit each State’s own circumstances, as well as partnerships to support the deployment of aviation cleaner energies.
    Moderator: Olivie...