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ICAO Stocktaking Series

LTAG – Day 1: Session 2: Aircraft technologies – Part 2: Start-Up Session


Up Next in 2024 ICAO LTAG Stocktaking

  • LTAG – Day 1: Session 2: Aircraft Tec...

    Session 2: Aircraft Technology – Part 3: Policies & Partnerships

    Session 2 Part 3 will focus on policies and regulatory framework to support new aircraft technologies and fleet renewal, as well as the role of multi-stakeholders partnerships to support deployment of new aircraft technologies.


  • LTAG – Day 1: Special Session on Hydr...

    Special Session on Hydrogen use in aviation

    This Special Session will take stock of the latest developments on the production and use of hydrogen for aviation.

    Moderator: Brahim Kane, Representative of Mauritania on the Council of ICAO.

    • Thomas Haase, Division Development Aerona...

  • LTAG – Day 2: Session 3: Operational ...

    Session 3: Operational improvements to achieve the LTAG

    This Session will provide the latest innovations on operational improvements that can help reduce CO2 emissions, air traffic management improvements, as well as ground operations measures.

    Moderator: Christian Schleifer, Representative o...