Age Limitations
This session will discuss the factors to consider when determining age limitations for aviation license-holders in international civil aviation operations.
Moderator: Christoph AMMANN, CMD B777, TRI/TRE, Swissair
Claude PREITNER, Acting Principal Medical Officer, New Zealand CAA Stuart ... -
Helicopter Safety
This session aims to identify the key areas of work to reduce the global helicopter accident rate.
Moderator: James VIOLA, President/CEO of Helicopter Association International
Jorge CASTILLO, Manager General Aviation (Airplanes, Rotorcraft, & Emerging Aircraft) with AIR’s Technical Pol... -
NOTAM Replacement
The current NOTAM system needs to evolve to meet the needs of the diversity of users of the future air navigation system. The aeronautical information world is undergoing a digital and service-oriented transformation enabled by SWIM. Therefore, there is an opportunity to introduce a new model for...
Upcoming Aerodrome Standards and future needs
Industry perspective on proposed regulations, their advantages, and the responsibilities of various stakeholders in implementing them.
Andrew BADHAM, Policy Principal, UK CAA
John SYNNOTT, Senior Manager Flight Operations Information Technology, IATA
Cyril FABRE, Head of Airf... -
Higher Airspace Operations: Enabling ICAO’s role
Regulators and service providers will discuss the way forward for the global community to enable these operations and the critical supporting role for ICAO.
Moderator: to be announced
Steven BRADFORD, Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor for Architecture and Next Generation Air Transp... -
Air Navigation System: Responsible use of data for a sustainable future
This third session focuses on the ethical and legal aspects of the use of data and information.
Moderator: David BATCHELOR, Chief External Affairs & Communication at the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (SJU)
Stephane DUBET, Head of International Coordination and Programs within AIS France at ... -
Aerodrome Capacity and Resilience
This session looks across the entire airport system on how it can meet future demand, including airport performance management, best use of available system capacity, the need for adaptation of operational measures, and possibly infrastructures, and preparedness to respond to major natural events...
Higher Airspace Operations: Concepts and Social and Economic Benefits
Industry will showcase the technical aspects of the Higher Airspace Operations and how they deliver on the needs of the communities that they intend to serve.
Crystal KIM, Secretary ATMRPP, ICAO
Chris CASARRUBIAS, Vice President Regulatory Affairs, AALTO – Zephyr
Dex HALPIN, ... -
Air Navigation System: Infrastructure to support big data analytics
This second session focuses on understanding what are the infrastructure needs, for instance in terms of storage or processing, to support data analytics.
Moderator: David BATCHELOR, Chief External Affairs & Communication at the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (SJU)
Steven BRADFORD, Chief Sci... -
Aerodrome Planning
Discussing the expected operational and infrastructure changes related to the integration of new generation of aircraft into the airports with a focus on new fuels (hydrogen, electric), AAM, RPAS, etc.
Moderator: Nina BROOKS, Vice President and Permanent Representative to ICAO, ICCAIA
S... -
Cross-Border Transferability (XBT)
The rapid evolution of global aircraft leasing operations has made the transfer of aircraft from one State to the other more frequent and highlighted certain inefficiencies in a global system that was developed when leasing arrangements were not common. This session will discuss issues associated...
Air Navigation System: Put data to work and support operations
Information, connectivity and service delivery are key to the future of the air navigation system as stated in the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP). The goal of the Future Air Navigation stream, composed of eight sessions, is to understand how States, industry and the research and development co...
Modern Approaches to Safety - Learning from what goes well
Aviation is an example of an evolving modern socio-technical system that is seeing higher levels of automation being introduced and as a result, increasingly complex human system interactions taking place and new challenges to manage. This session aims to improve awareness of approaches which aim...
Modern Approaches to Safety - Complex Socio-Technical Systems
Aviation is an example of an evolving modern socio-technical system that is seeing higher levels of automation being introduced and as a result, increasingly complex human system interactions are taking place and there are new challenges to manage. This session aims to improve visibility and awar...
Skytalk by NAV CANADA: True North
To provide an update on the safety issues surrounding the data discrepancies in magnetic variation tables for sir operations, plans to correct it by switching to True Azimuth and the results of last year's ICAO survey on readiness to adopt True North world-wide.
Speakers: Anthony MacKay, Vice Pr...
Electronic Certificates and Documents
With the emergence of new digital technologies, the global aviation community is moving towards electronic documents and certificates. This session will discuss the benefits of electronic documents and certificates as well as the challenges associated with them.
Moderator: Ismael PACHECO SERRANO,... -
Setting the Scene – Long Term Global Aspirational Goal
The aim of this session is to exchange views and identify key initiatives needed to advance air navigation planning and implementation in an ever-changing aviation environment. The specific focus will be on performance improvement in the context of constrained resources, aviation’s global environ...
Skytalk by La Isla - ANSELMO : The CNS Digital Twin
Skytalk by Aireon: Trusted Data & the Transition to Real-Time Safety Assurance
In the next two decades, aviation will witness the emergence of new players and operational demands that are set to fundamentally reshape the airspace system. These changes will be driven by fresh operational paradigms, such as Autonomous Flight, Commercial Space Operations, Integration of Unmann...
Skytalk by Startical/Indra: Satellite-based VHF Communications
Space-based VHF communication is a concept in which aircraft provide communications between the aircraft to air traffic control (ATC) via satellite-based VHF. This concept, when implemented, is expected to support air traffic management and flight operations in oceanic and remote airspace and wil...
Skytalk by Indra: Transforming Skies Together
Indra’s ATM Systems. How Indra ATM systems are facing ATM world key challenges with different systems within Indra ATM portfolio.
Speaker: Marina Martín Ortigosa, ATM Solution Sales Manager, Indra
System Qualification Challenges in ATM Domain & Way Forward
While the ATM industry tends to capitalize on its development activities by moving from a project-based model to a product-based model, its stakeholders face several challenges such as heterogeneity of risk definition and required level of safety, lack of harmonised qualification processes from s...
Aviation Safety Training
Are you looking for training to stay up to date with the latest ICAO safety-oriented Standards and Recommended Practices? We have the courses for you!
Hear from experts Ms. Lynn McGuigan, Mr. Antonio Peláez Portales, and Mr. Carlos Sanchez Rico, who will provide a comprehensive overview and answe... -
Quick Guide to Targeted Exemptions for Operators
Targeted Exemptions (TEs) are tightly scoped and time-limited State-issued exemptions to a specified subset of Standards granted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. To support States in the transition to normal operations, ICAO launched the TE system in April 2021 through the Roadmap to OPS Nor...