Air Navigation System: architecture for a cost-effective infrastructure
1h 20m
This fifth session focuses on understanding how the aviation community is taking advantage of available commodities, such as widely available access to broadband Internet that is faster and a better value for money, and more devices with built-in connection capabilities and sensors entering the market.
Moderator: Bob LEE, GXA Consulting LLC
Ruby SAYYED, Global Head, Air traffic Management, IATA;
Charles “Chuck” COOK, Director of Communications, Navigation, Surveillance and Technical Programs, JetBlue Airways
Steve GILES, Architect for Affordability and Investment Analysis, MITRE
Juan José CORNEJO, Director of Business Development and International Relations, Startical
Up Next in Safety
Mental Health
This session on psychological Well-being and Mental Health in aviation discusses balancing personal health and aviation safety with a specific focus on the role of building trust; training and peer support initiatives.
Anthony WAGSTAFF, Principal Advisor in Aerospace Medicine to the No... -
Performance Based Aerodrome Operating...
In this session, the implications of PBAOM on flight operations are considered, including the potential benefits in terms of efficiency and possible barriers to the effective implementation of the concept.
Representative of Austria on the Council of IC... -
Air Navigation System: Ubiquitous con...
This fourth session focuses on understanding how to fully accommodate airspace users with different operational capabilities and needs in an environment with different connectivity solutions.
Moderator: Bob LEE, GXA Consulting LLC
Steven BRADFORD, Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor ...