Following key decisions and important work on innovation at ICAO, the MID Office is organizing a Regional Innovation Webinar, on 29 August 2022, under the theme “Innovation for Enhanced Resilience in International Civil Aviation”. The Objectives of the Webinar are to showcase innovations in aviation that have the potential to help progress on the ICAO Strategic Objectives, deliver on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and enable the recovery and resilience of the aviation system; and help viewers understand the technologies, the opportunities and challenges related to the technologies, exploration of its multiple facets and lessons learned.
Up Next in 2022 ICAO Innovation Fair
Preview of the 2022 ICAO Innovation Fair
From 24 to 26 September 2022, ICAO will host the ICAO 2022 Innovation Fair at ICAO Headquarters in Montréal, Canada. The event will take place immediately prior to the 41st Session of the Assembly and will address the theme of the theme of “Innovation for Enhanced Resilience in International Civi...
ICAO NAM/CAR/SAM Webinar on Innovation
The ICAO Webinar on Innovation for the NAM/CAR/SAM regions explores several cutting edge concepts that will help to shape the future of the air transport. The webinar is oriented to representatives of NAM/CAR/SAM States, private sector and organizations related to civil aviation and serves as an ...
Innovations and Regulations for a mo...
This session will identify the regulatory challenges linked to the emergence of innovations in aviation. States will be invited to share their experience and innovators will have the opportunity to formulate their needs, so that a sound regulatory framework can facilitate the uptake of innovation...