Panel 7 - States experiences with advancing gender equality
This Session provides an opportunity to learn more about how States promote, at the national level or through regional or other initiatives, gender equality in their aviation ecosystems. Such best practices could create momentum across the sector to build on and catalyze impact through inspiring States, ICAO and the aviation sector to develop, implement and advance policies, strategies and measures to promote gender equality in aviation.
Moderator: Ms. Valdís Ásta Aðalsteinsdóttir, Representative of Iceland on the ICAO Council
- Ms. Paola Tamburelli, Director General, Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil, Argentina
Up Next in Global Aviation Gender Summit 2023
Panel 8 - Lesson Learnt and the goal-...
This Session showcases best practices and lessons learned from the aviation industry and their initiatives, including experiences from across the transport spectrum to close the gender gap through various means such as outlining diversity goals and targets. It also features the enabling role of p...
Closing Ceremony - Rising to the chal...
Join us for the Closing Ceremony of the Global Aviation Gender Summit 2023 where closing remarks from senior dignitaries of the Host Organization will be delivered. This Session will present the high-level outcomes of the discussions held from the start of the Summit and will highlight proposed p...