6 Seasons
The DRONE ENABLE symposium engages key stakeholders from industry, academia, government and international organizations involved in the unmanned aviation sector to exchange best practices, lessons learned, research material and challenges related to the introduction of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and UAS traffic management (UTM).
Day 1 - Welcome Remarks and Dr. Fang Liu Opening Address
Episode 1
Day 1 - Keynote Address – Dr. Young Tae Kim (OECD)
Episode 2
59:51Episode 3
Day 1 – Panel - ICAO Updates
Episode 3
Day 1 – Panel - Interaction with Key Aviation and Non-Aviation Stakeholders
Episode 4
This panel discusses viewpoints from various stakeholders, who may not traditionally be part of the UTM discussions, regarding what they are looking for, expecting, needing, concerned about, etc., when it comes to the development and deployment UTM capabilities.
Emerging Concepts in Airspace Management
Episode 5
This Skytalks is presented by Frank Matus, Director, ATC Digital Aviation Solutions, Americas – Thales Airspace Mobility Solutions and will address the Emerging Concepts in Airspace Management. Frank Matus has over 20 years of experience establishing strategy/development initiative... -
Day 2 - Welcome Remarks and Keynote Address - Mr. Bahrami (FAA)
Episode 6
Day 2 - RFI Session – Unmanned Aircraft Performance Req in a UTM Environment
Episode 7
Unmanned Aircraft Performance Requirements in a UTM Environment
Day 3 - Welcome Remarks and Keynote Address - Mr. Patrick Ky (EASA)
Episode 8
Day 3 - RFI Session – UTM System Certification Requirements
Episode 9
UTM System Certification Requirements
Day 3 – Panel - UTM Development and Deployment Lessons Learned
Episode 10
This session has experts from various sectors of UTM, including service providers, regulators and research organizations, discussing their lessons learned and how these can facilitate global harmonization and assist other States or organization moving forward with the development and deployment o...
Day 4 - Welcome Remarks and Keynote Address - Mr. Luis Felipe de Oliveira (ACI)
Episode 11
Day 4 - RFI Session – UTM Integration into Aerodrome Environments/Activities
Episode 12
Day 5 - Welcome Remarks and Keynote Address - Mr. Benedict Eijbergen (WBG)
Episode 13
Drone Enable 2021: Day 5 - Panel - Cyber Resilience
Episode 14
This panel discusses the evolution of the aviation system considering its needs for secure and resilient connections for exchange of safety critical messages and how an international aviation trust framework can help new entrants to be safely integrated in a non-segregated airspace considering po...
57:47Episode 15
Day 5 - Panel - Brazilian Focus
Episode 15
This panel highlights the processes related to UAS operations in Brazil and will involve all the key stakeholders, including operators and Brazilian Authorities. In addition, based on their various points of view, the panellists will discuss the necessity of implementing a viable UAS Traffic Mana...
54:54Episode 16
Day 5 - Panel – Advanced/Urban Air Mobility
Episode 16
This panel has leaders in the field of advanced/urban air mobility discuss their recent advancements, the regulatory/technical challenges that remain and what is needed to see this capability deploy safely.
Day 5 - Panel - Flight Rules in an Evolving Environment
Episode 17
Future regulatory provisions must include relevant flight rules that acknowledge the change in the role of the human with higher levels of automation. In this, you will hear from two key individuals with unique insight into the pending evolution of the aviation system and how the topic of flight ...
40:43Episode 18
Day 5 – Symposium Close Out
Episode 18
This session will provide a summary of the various panels held and the key messages from DRONE ENABLE 2021.