- PPT/04 Ongoing work concerning the decision of the A41 related to the standards development process presented by Mr. Yuri Fattah, Programme Manager, Multi-Disciplinary priorities.
- PPT/05 Evolution of the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP CMA) presented by Ms. Jimena Blumenkron, Policy Lead/Standards and Procedures Officer, Regulatory System.
- PPT/06 Ongoing work on the change from magnetic to True North presented by Ms. Christine Madden, Technical Officer, Operational Safety & Secretary of True North Advisory Group.
Moderator: Mr. Pascal Luciani, Deputy Director, Air Navigation and Aviation Safety, Air Navigation Bureau.
Up Next in AN-CONF/14
Day 1 - Information session 3
- PPT/07 Ongoing work concerning the Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (Doc 9854) update presented by Ms. Crystal Guseul Kim, Technical Officer, Air Traffic Management and Secretary of the Air Traffic Management Requirements and Performance Panel.
- PPT/08 Ongoing work related to...
Day 1 - Information session 4
- PPT/10 Ongoing work of the Integrated Communications, Navigation, Surveillance, Spectrum (ICNSS) Task Force presented by Mie Utsunomiya, Technical Officer, CNS and Frequency Spectrum & Secretary of ICNSS Task Force.
- PPT/11 Ongoing work on human performance in the different aviation domains p...
Day 2 - Opening of the Fourteenth Air...
• Introduction and administrative announcement.
• Address by the President of the Council.
• Address by the President of the Air Navigation Commission.
• Welcome remarks from the Deputy Minister of Transport of Canada.
• Report on Participating States and International Organizations.
• Adoption...