ICAO Resource Mobilization of Voluntary Funds 101
A40 Skytalks
Introduction on what ICAO Voluntary Funds are, and how to mobilize resources for them using existing tools and resources, as well as newly developed ones by the SPCP Partnerships and Resource Mobilization (PRM) section.
Georgios Paltakis, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Officer, SPCP
Up Next in A40 Skytalks
ICAO Civil Aviation Data Solutions iCADS
The ICAO Civil Aviation Data Application (iCADS) is a web platform for aviation data and information. This session presents the multitude of data sets and business intelligence solutions that are available in iCADS. Learn more about ICADS at https://www.unitingaviation.com/icads/
Sha... -
Artificial Intelligence and Digital I...
A number of challenges and opportunities are emerging in the field of aviation by new digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and digital objects
Marco Merens
Chief, Integrated Aviation Analysis Section
Implementation and Support Developmen...
ICAO, through the Implementation Support and Development Section (Security) (ISD-SEC), provides aviation security assistance and training targeting identified security deficiencies for States in need. This Skytalk highlights actions taken to provide assistance to States and developments relating ...