ICAO hosted a first discussion on multi-level governance of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) in August 2023. As a follow-up, this webinar aims to highlight the different levels of governance needed for the integration of eVTOLs in urban environments and reflect on the advancements made so far. Speakers are invited to discuss the cooperation between UAM actors for decision-making and more inclusive governance models in support of safe and sustainable urban air mobility.
Up Next in Webinars
The Governance of Artificial Intellig...
In a year, a lot has happened on the Artificial Intelligence scene, both on the front of the technology advancement, with the exponential rise in computing capabilities and in the area of governance, underpinned by the realization that the adequate framework should be established to allow for tec...
EASA perspective on eMCO
Andrea BOIARDI, Chief Expert, EASA
Gianluca MELE, Flight Test Engineer, EASA
Erick FERRANDEZ, EASA Representative to ICAO & Canada, EASA
The ANC Talk by EASA in Extended Minimum Crew Operations (eMCO) will present how EASA tackles this concept, leveraging advanced auto... -
AI Applications for the Next Age in A...
Presenter: Dr. Antony Evans, Airbus UTM Director of System Design at Acubed
AI Applications for the Next Age in Aviation” will be led by Dr. Antony Evans, Director of Uncrewed Traffic Management (UTM) System Design at Acubed, Airbus’ innovation center in Silicon Valley. This session will provid...