Runway Safety: A Key to Re-building Confidence Post COVID-19
2h 10m
Runway safety has long been considered as a global safety priority by ICAO. There is also an important association between the safety of runway operations and confidence. As we recover from the current crisis, the need to re-build confidence is a known challenge. As demand returns, our focus upon the safety of operations on progressively busy or recently recommissioned runways should be renewed, thereby helping to ensure that confidence is rebuilt. During the COVID crisis the nature of operations on many airports altered, with changes to the use and availability of runways and taxiways, changes to traffic volumes and mixes, changes to procedures and practices, both in the air and on the ground. These may themselves bring additional risks to runway operations (e.g. changes to runway incursion 'hotspots'), but there may also be risks as capacity is restored (e.g. the return of high intensity runway operations, the re-commissioning of systems such as A-SMGCS). All of this requires vigilance and the engagement of stakeholders through mechanisms such as Local Runway Safety Teams.
The webinar aims to engage key stakeholder representatives to discuss this topic and remind the audience of the need to re-focus attention on runway safety. This webinar is intended for a global audience and will be followed-up through regional runway safety webinars hosted by the respective ICAO regional offices.
Recorded on 4 August 2020.