Integration Plans issues to be addressed when integrating RPAS into ATM system
1h 26m
The absence of an on-board pilot will necessitate some unique procedures in the integration of RPA into non-segregated airspace. ANSPs will be invited to discuss the challenges and risks associated with integration. What should ANSPs do to minimize the risk in order to seamlessly integrate RPA into the existing ATM system?
Moderator: Ms. Leslie Cary, Chief, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, ICAO
Panel discussion:
Mr. Nico Voorbach, Director, ICAO Affairs, CANSO
Dr. Francis Schubert , Chief Corporate Officer, Skyguide, Switzerland
Mr. Mike Lissone, UAS ATM Integration Manager, Directorate Pan European Single Sky, EUROCONTROL
Mrs. Catherine Ronfle-Nadaud, Direction de la Technique et de l’innovation, Domaine Etudes Européennes et Innovation, DGAC, France
Mr. ZHANG Xinghao, Director, Air Traffic Control Division, Air Traffic Management Bureau, CAAC, China