Regula 4308
4m 21s
Dual-video spectral comparator Regula 4308
The dual-video spectral comparator Regula 4308 is the only one in the world with two vertically-opposed optical systems.
High functionality of the comparator is powered by over 40 light sources ranging from 254 to 1100 nm. Exceptional oblique lighting with a changeable angle of object illumination allows detailed visualization of surface relief. Large-format documents can be easily examined due to a unique system for elevating the top optical system.
Regula 4308 is equipped with a high-resolution spectrometer, a hyperspectral imaging module and a pulsed IR emitter for examination of anti-Stokes fluorescence. Add here a movable XY translation that enables micromovements of examined objects and modules for reading the MRZ, RFID chips, a latent scrambled image (IPI), 1D and 2D barcodes... And that’s only a short list of special features.
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