Information session on global requirements for the provision of advanced meteorological information including:
Current and foreseen user requirements of advanced meteorological information services,
Enhancement of meteorological observation and forecast solutions,
Integrated use of quantitative meteorological information into ATM operational decision-making and risk assessment.
Moderators: Rebecca KOTTEN, Meteorologist, U.S. Member to ICAO METP (WG-MIE Rapporteur), FAA; William MAYNARD, Meteorologist, Acting Chair of ICAO METP, Transport Canada
Dov BENSIMON, Operational Meteorologist, Environment and Climate Change Canada Jean-Francois GROUT, Assistant Director ICAO Relations, Advisor to IATA nominated Member to ICAO METP, IATA.
Lauri SOINI, A320 Captain, IFALPA
Stéphanie WIGNIOLLE, Scientific Officer, Services for Aviation Division, WMO
Foeke KUIK, Business Development Director EMEA, Campbel Scientific
Don BERCHOFF, CEO, Truweather Solution
Up Next in Air Navigation World 2023
Moderator recap
The moderators of each session will provide an overview and summary of topics discussed, focusing on potential action items and the way forward.
Skytalk by ICAO CDI, Predicting and A...
Join Paule ASSOMOU, DG, Cameroon CAA; Padhraic KELLEHER, P/ANC; Nina BROOKS, VP, ICCAIA; Oscar QUESADA, DRD/SAM and Jorge VARGAS, D/CDI for a brainstorming session to discuss strategies for better integrating ICAO’s Standards Making and Implementation Support Activities.
Skytalk by NAV CANADA: True North
To provide an update on the safety issues surrounding the data discrepancies in magnetic variation tables for sir operations, plans to correct it by switching to True Azimuth and the results of last year's ICAO survey on readiness to adopt True North world-wide.
Speakers: Anthony MacKay, Vice Pr...