Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)
6 Seasons
The MRTD field has been rapidly evolving into the broader global agenda of traveller identification management. At the 38th Session of ICAO Assembly (24 September – 4 October 2013), Member States adopted the ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (ICAO TRIP) Strategy, which aims to establish the goal and objectives of traveller identification management, to lead and reinforce a global approach, and to provide direction for action by ICAO, States and the many international, regional and industry partners in identification management. The ICAO TRIP Strategy presents a framework for multidimensional integrated efforts and synergies, under ICAO's leadership, to support ICAO's Strategic Objectives in the 2014-2016 triennium and beyond.
1:15:28Episode 1
Opening Session
Episode 1
ICAO will be joined by Senior Officials from related organizations to provide high-level perspectives on the opportunity that improved traveller identification presents to strengthen aviation security and travel facilitation.
Session 1: Recent Developments in the ICAO TRIP Strategy
Episode 2
The incorporation of the new/revised provisions related to: Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs) and continued focus on implementation of the ICAO TRIP Roadmap which provides target milestones for States and also adherence to the related international Specifications for machine readable trav...
Session 2: Importance of Innovation in Border Management (Part 1)
Episode 3
Representatives from international organizations most closely involved with Identification Management will provide updates on their initiatives and projects.
Session 3: Supporting Improved National Identity Management Practices
Episode 4
Both technology and generational changes are likely to have an impact on how legal identity could be packaged and shared in the future. Already smartphones are capable of unambiguously verifying physical identity using biometrics stored in interconnected central civil registry eco-system. Automat...
Session 4: Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTDs) Standards & Specifications
Episode 5
Current and emerging ICAO MRTD Standards, Recommended Practices and specifications for passports, visas and identity cards, traveller identification management and security measures. Sharing of best practices designed to minimize document fraud and benefits provided by trusted ICAO-compliant MRTD...
Session 6: Advance Passenger Information (API)- Implementation by States
Episode 6
Member States in conjunction with the relevant stakeholders are transitioning from the traditional reliance on completing a single step traveller identification and risk assessment at entry controls, towards continuous identification of travellers and risk assessment repeated at each phase of the...
Session 7: Border Control- Inspection Systems,Tools & Interoperable Applications
Episode 7
A key element in strengthening aviation security is to ensure that border inspection systems provide timely, secure and reliable links between travel documents, travellers and security information held in government databases. Experts will provide examples regarding these important elements which...
Session 8: Steps Forward in Facilitation & Identification and Closing Remarks
Episode 8
Dissection of the border management continuum to ensure that traveller identification technologies respond to the threats, challenges, and opportunities of the current travel environment through improved dialogue and systemic cooperation, it is expected that traveller identification technology wi...