Aviation, a historically male-dominated industry, is expected to grow exponentially in the next 10-15 years. There will be a labour shortage unless steps are taken to meet the resource demands of this growth. Aviation, and transport in general, lag behind other sectors in regards to women entering and staying in the industry. Since only a small percentage of women currently work in the sector, gender needs to be addressed now as part of the strategic initiatives of aviation organizations. Glenda Newton highlights the need for Member States to enable more women and girls to choose aviation, and for the industry to encourage women to reach for the skies.
Up Next in Assembly 40 Skytalks
Lithium Batteries carried on Aircraft...
Damaged or defective batteries can catch fire and create an explosive atmosphere that poses significant risk to the aircraft. This presentation will focus on the need for increased safety promotion to help achieve control of this risk.
Presenter: Lynn McGuigan, Technical Officer, Cargo Safety, ICAO
The Application of CT Technology in A...
The Application of CT Technology in Air Cargo Consolidated Scanning
Introduction to the ICAO Training Por...
Are you a training organization involved in any specialized aviation-related area? Learn more about the membership benefits of the ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Programme, and the ICAO portfolio of training packages that can suit your needs.
Mekki Lahlou
TRAINAIR plus Programme Coordinator
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