The ICAO Automated Border Control Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool - Advancing cost-effective implementation of automated passenger processing.
Will introduce the Automated Border Control Cost-Benefit Analysis tool and its usefulness with the goal of raising awareness amongst the interested community.
Up Next in Assembly 41 Skytalks
Improving Aviation Security: ICAO Avi...
The objective of ICAO’s aviation and security assistance and capacity building programme is to support ICAO Member States to enhance global civil aviation security and compliance with aviation security Standards and Recommend Practices (SARPs). Fernando Coelho, AVSEC Assistance Coordination Offi...
Collaborative Approach to Implementat...
The Regional Director will provide a brief description of the characteristics, aviation performance and challenges of the AFI Region, followed by a presentation of the collaborative framework established to harness synergies among the various stakeholders providing implementation assistance to St...
ICAO Language Proficiency Requirement...
The obligation for language proficiency has its root in the Chicago Convention, article 33, requesting the flight crew to prove language proficiency. Furthermore, the ICAO standards and recommended practices covering LPRs are contained in: Annex 1 – Personnel Licensing; Annex 6 – Operation of Air...