This Skytalk will focus on one of the most significant recent ICAO achievements in addressing climate change – the completion of ICAO Report on the Feasibility of a Long-term Aspirational Goal for International Aviation CO2 Emissions Reductions. This SkyTalk provides an overview of the work, the approach used and the highlights and high-level observations from the report, as background for the deliberations to be held on the LTAG during the 41st Session of ICAO Assembly.
Up Next in Assembly 41 Skytalks
Importance of Senior Leadership for a...
Senior leaders play an important role in managing and influencing safety at the State level. This Skytalk aims to encourage leadership at the senior level to ensure the benefits associated with an effective State Safety Programme (SSP) are achieved.
Aviation Satellite Account
This presentation will introduce ICAO's development of the methodological framework of "Aviation Satellite Account" for measuring an economic impact of aviation on national economy using international-agreed standard framework.
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Schem...
The Skytalk on the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) provides an overview of the work undertaken by ICAO and its Member States on CORSIA implementation, with a focus on developments occurred since the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly in 2019.