ARIA is a tool that can assist operators in risk-based decision making. We will review how ARIA helps manage operational risk and increase safety management through the timely review of safety encounters, using data to empower AI/ML, and drives toward shared safety intelligence.
Up Next in Assembly 41 Skytalks
International Codes and Route Designa...
ICARD (International Codes and Route Designators) is a database of 290,000 five-letter name-codes (5LNCs) and 16,000 route designators used for global air navigation. It allows States the reservation and allocation of 5LNCs used for the identification of significant points not marked by the site ...
Emergency Response Planning, Economic...
Aviation is a sensitive industry, which requires careful and meticulous planned operations as any direct or indirect disruption could have significant and far-reaching adverse impacts. This presentation will introduce ICAO’s work on the subject of emergency planning and assistance to passengers i...
Annex 9 — Facilitation - Recent devel...
Annex 9 ― Facilitation to the Convention on International Civil Aviation establishes international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) pertaining to inter alia, entry and departure of aircraft, persons and their baggage, and cargo; and communicable diseases. The presentation will highligh...