Welcome Address
- Christos Staikouras, Minister, Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
- Christos Tsitouras, Governor-Director General, Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA)
Keynote Speech
- Juan Carlos Salazar, Secretary General, ICAO
Up Next in 2024 ICAO Seminar on Green Airports
Session 1: Setting the Scene – ICAO w...
Overview of the latest work of ICAO on Climate Change mitigation, including LTAG of net zero
carbon emissions by 2050 and the CAAF/3 agreement.
• Discussion on how the LTAG and the CAAF/3 agreement will impact Green Airports.
- Jane Hupe, Deputy Director, Environment, ICAO -
Session 2: Key Drivers for Innovation...
Presentation on the importance of sustainability as a driver for innovation in the aviation
industry and the latest developments in aviation technologies.
• Discussion on how innovation can help reduce the carbon footprint of airports.
- Ambassador Maria Saranti, Permanent Representati... -
Session 3: Emerging Environmental Topics
Part 1: Addressing Plastic Usage Challenges in Aviation
- Presentations by airline and airport representatives discussing the aviation sector's approach
to addressing challenges associated with plastic use in aviation.
- Neil Dickson, Chief, Environmental Standards, ICAO
- ...