Global Implementation Support Symposium

Global Implementation Support Symposium

4 Seasons

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Global Implementation Support Symposium
  • Summary of Discussions and Closing Ceremony

    Episode 1

  • Opening Ceremony & Project Signature Session

    Episode 2

    Join us for the Opening Ceremony of the GISS 2022 where opening remarks from senior dignitaries of ICAO and the Host Organization will be delivered, as well as capacity-building projects will launched.

    Keynote speakers:

    Juan Carlos Salazar, Secretary General, International Civil Aviation Organi...

  • Session 1: ICAO Implementation Support Programmes: Runway to Aviation Recovery

    Episode 3

    This high-level panel will set the stage for the Symposium. It will present the ICAO Implementation Support policy and how it intends to streamline ICAO’s aviation capacity-building endeavours for pandemic recovery and beyond. Additionally, this panel will highlight ICAO’s portfolio of implementa...

  • Session 2: Resourcing Implementation Support: Funding and Collaboration

    Episode 4

    This panel will emphasize the importance of taking a strategic approach to mobilization of resources and addressing capacity shortfalls in aviation through forging new and strengthening existing partnerships with resource-partner States, multilateral funding institutions and industry stakeholders...

  • Session 3A: Enhancing P'ships for Efficient Implementation Support Activities

    Episode 5

    This panel will highlight the importance of establishing partnerships with other international/regional organizations as well as industry players to provide Member States with more efficient, sustainable and inclusive support towards their compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices....

  • Workshop: Innovation in Implementation Support

    Episode 6

    This interactive workshop will allow you to share your ideas and recommendations on how to better integrate innovation in implementation support activities.

  • Session 4A: Aligning Implementation Support with Emerging Trends

    Episode 7

    Adapting to emerging technological trends and innovations as well as responding to them with timely and optimized aviation solutions is key. This panel will highlight how ICAO and other organizations identify their current and future needs, aligned with the emerging trends of the aviation industr...

  • Session 5A: ICAO Implementation Packages: What’s next?

    Episode 8

    This panel will highlight the benefits as well as opportunities created with the recent launch of ICAO Implementation Packages (iPacks). As such, Directors General of Civil Aviation representing all ICAO regions will share with the audience their overall experience, including challenges and oppor...