AVSEC2018 Opening Ceremony & Leader's Plenary
Episode 1
Opening Ceremony
Master of Ceremonies
Mr. Denis ChagnonOpening Remarks
Dr. Fang Liu, Secretary General, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)Leaders’ Plenary
This session provides an opportunity for senior leaders in the Aviation Security Community to discuss their perspect...
1:34:35Episode 2
AVSEC2018 Session 1 – Risk Awareness
Episode 2
An effective risk assessment requires understanding of threats, impacts, and existing mitigations. This in turn involves inputs from a range of sources across Governments and industry. During these discussions, participants will explore the range of sources that are most useful in these risk asse...
AVSEC 2018 Session 2: Security Culture
Episode 3
Robust application of enhanced security measures depends on engagement of the front line employees. Concerns about the ‘insider threat’ highlight the potentially negative implications of providing detailed information to an employee who has been corrupted. Participants will discuss the positive a...
AVSEC2018 Session 3 - Technology and Innovation
Episode 4
The aviation security regime is highly reliant on technology solutions to ensure accurate, expedient threat detection, but specific data are often highly classified. This impedes the ability of manufacturers to ensure new technology provides the necessary detection capabilities. During the dialog...
AVSEC2018 Session 4 - Quality Control and Oversight
Episode 5
Because of the interconnected nature of commercial aviation, security shortfalls in one airport could be exploited by a terrorist to conduct an attack on another State. Panellists will debate the establishment of a stronger aviation security oversight regime focused on comprehensive countermeasu...
AVSEC2018 Session 5 - Capacity Building
Episode 6
The Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) implementation targets reflect increasingly more robust levels of security over the next 12 years. These goals can only be realized through partnerships between contributing and recipient Member States. During these discussions participants will explore h...
AVSEC2018 Session 6 - Implementing the GASeP
Episode 7
Following an accelerated development and review process, the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) provides foundations for a global aviation security framework. ICAO Regional Offices held aviation security conferences and tailored Roadmaps were developed to guide achievement of GASeP’s aims and ...
59:48Episode 8
AVSEC2018 Closing Plenary
Episode 8
Mr. Boubacar Djibo, Director, Air Transport Bureau (D/ATB), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Mr. Mohamed Khalifa Rahma, Regional Director, ICAO Middle East Regional Office
Mr. Martial Pagé, Chairperson, Committee on Unlawful Interference
Mr. Samuel Cam... -
AVSEC2018 Industry Engagement Day Session 1 - The Present & Skytalk 1
Episode 9
Opening Session
Master of Ceremonies
Mr. Denis ChagnonOpening Remarks
Mr. Sylvain Lefoyer, Deputy Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation (DD/ASF), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)Keynote Remarks – Regulatory Views
Mr. Keith Goll, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Security... -
AVSEC2018 - Industry Engagement Day: Session 2 - The Future & Skytalk 2
Episode 10
Session 2 – The Future: A need for ICAO, States, and Industry to respond more effectively to aviation threats through the use of emerging technology and processes How can ICAO facilitate the delivery of emerging screening technology to the global aviation market? Global aviation interests remain...
AVSEC2018 - Industry Engagement Day: Skytalk 3, Session 3 & Skytalk 4
Episode 11
Skytalk 3 - Presented by Smiths Detection
Session 3 – Reimagining security screening to relieve the pressure at the checkpoint
The landscape continues to change with threats emerging putting additional pressures on screeners and manufacturers to keep up. These include new concealment methods f...
AVSEC2018 - Industry Engagement Day: Skytalk 5, Session 4 & Skytalk 6
Episode 12
Skytalk 5 - Presented by L3 Security & Detection Systems
Session 4 – Digital Leadership Plenary: Technology Innovations in Transportation
In this digital leadership plenary, panellists will explore how technology innovations have been integrated into service delivery across the various modes w...