Effective Quality Control and Oversight Systems
Determine how effective quality control and oversight systems can be established in a State. Look at the interrelationships among airport, national, and international quality control and oversight programmes with a view to identifying areas for cooperation and improvement.
Keynote Speaker:
Ms. Sonia Hifdi, Head, Security Measures Office, DGAC, France
Up Next in AVSEC2017
Vulnerability Versus Threats – Risk-B...
Vulnerability Versus Threats – Risk-Based Mitigation
Enhance understanding of aviation security risks for the development and implementation of policies and risk mitigating measures that are effective, proportionate and sustainable. Undertaking risk assessments will help to identify and prioritiz... -
Security Processes and Technological ...
Security Processes and Technological Innovations
Encourage States and stakeholders to devise, establish and share new and innovative ways to implement security policies and sustainable aviation security measures through people, process and technology innovation. Participate in workshops, demonstr... -
Security Processes and Technological ...
Security Processes and Technological Innovations (People, Process, & Technology)
Applying uniform and consistent security measures in conformance with international standards promoting effective, efficient and sustainable aviation security measures through people, process and technology innov...