Extending Flight and Duty Limits for COVID-19 "Special Ops"
COVID-19 Webinar Series
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in some circumstances where there may be a need for operators to move outside existing flight and duty limits and related requirements to enable essential or emergency services. As some of these extended operations are beyond current operational experience with little or no evidence as to their safety implications, it is particularly important for States to ensure the fatigue risk linked to extended operations, is managed in a way that supports adequate crew performance and recovery.
This webinar will provide an opportunity to explore the responsibilities of States and operators related to extended COVID-19 "special operations", including the need for enhanced monitoring. It is aimed at airlines who may wish to apply for extensions and to regulators who approve these applications.
Up Next in COVID-19 Webinar Series
Enabling UAS Operations Part II - Pan...
This will be the second of a two-part webinar which will include a panel discussion involving regulators and UAS Operators. The panel members will discuss the successes and challenges involved in BVLOS operations, including those related to humanitarian and lifesaving activities. Panelist will in...
U-AID - Humanitarian Operations Using...
This webinar will present ICAO's guidance material for humanitarian aid and emergency response (U-AID) using UAS. Following an overview of this material and best practices, UA Operators who perform humanitarian operations (Drone Delivery Canada and GlobalMedic) will share their experiences. Addit...
Air Traffic Services Guidance for Ope...
This webinar will build off of the first webinar and will answer questions posed, as well as requests for additional information on some points previously raised.
Currently, the traffic outlook and forecast do not present a clear picture, however, current level of operations and proposed date...