Maintaining Pilot Performance Level and Recovering Confidence
COVID-19 Webinar Series
1h 14m
The COVID crisis has left most of the pilot population with reduced operational exposure combined with disrupted training curricula. This situation can induce pilot performance and confidence degradation. As we see the extension of alleviation periods around the globe, the considerations for the mitigation of the related risks are crucial.
With this webinar, you will be informed about the efforts of ICAO, IATA and IFALPA to support the different stakeholders in these challenging times. The panel will look at the challenges, threats and propose solutions.
Gerda Pardatscher, Technical Officer, PEL, ICAO
Capt. Yann Renier, Head of Training and Licensing, IATA
Capt. Glen Finch, Vice-Chair, Training and Licensing on the IFALPA Human Performance Committee, IFALPA
Up Next in COVID-19 Webinar Series
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The restrictions related to COVID-19 has increased dramatically the need for goods to be shipped by air. The availability of passenger aircraft provides the opportunity of using the passenger cabin to transport cargo. This webinar provides information on that activity and considerations related t...
CAPSCA Programme
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