Draft Assembly working paper – Consolidated Statement of Continuing ICAO Policies related to Aviation Security; Report on Technical Cooperation Programme Development for 2021 and update of Administrative and Operational Services Cost (AOSC) income and expenditures for 2022; Draft Assembly working paper – ICAO’s Technical Assistance Programme; Draft Assembly working paper – ICAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme – Policy and Activities; Draft Assembly working paper – ICAO Civil Aviation Training and Capacity Building; Financial Year 2021 – Report on the Carry Over; Draft Assembly working paper – Disposition of cash surplus/deficit; Draft Assembly working paper – Level of the Working Capital Fund; Draft Assembly working paper – Financial aspects of the question of contributions in arrears and Incentive Scheme for the settlement of long-outstanding arrears; Report of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) for 2021 and Work Programme for 2022; Report of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) entitled “Blockchain applications in the United Nations system: towards a state of readiness”
Up Next in ICAO Council 226th session
4th Meeting of the 226th Session of t...
Draft Assembly working paper ‒ Human resources management; Draft Assembly working paper – Resource Mobilization and Voluntary Funds; Draft Assembly working paper – Work Programme of the Organization in the legal field; Draft Assembly working paper – Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO polic...
5th Meeting of the 226th Session of t...
CLOSED MEETING – 1st, 2nd and 3rd items;
Draft Assembly working paper – The ICAO Ethics Framework and Establishment of Rules of Procedures regarding the Secretary General and the President of the Council; Secretary General’s sessional progress report; Any other business. -
6th Meeting of the 226th Session of t...
Condolences; Secretary General’s sessional progress report; Transfer of the Revenue and Product Management (RPM) Section to the Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB); Review of the Report of the Twelfth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/12); Any other business.