1st Meeting of the 227th Session of the ICAO Council
Episode 1
Opening of the session; Familiarization to new Council; Elections by the Council; Election of the President of the Council; Any other business.
2nd Meeting of the 227th Session of the ICAO Council
Episode 2
Attendance by the President of the Council in international meetings; Appointment of Members and Alternates of the Air Navigation Commission (ANC); ANC Work Programme for the 222nd Session; 2023 Technical Cooperation Administrative and Operational Services Cost (AOSC) budget estimates and update ...
3rd Meeting of the 227th Session of the ICAO Council
Episode 3
CLOSED MEETING – 1st & 2nd ;
Review of the Report of the Tenth Session of the International Explosives Technical Commission (IETC/10); Cost recovery for space weather information services; Annual and Triennial Work Programmes of the Office of Internal Oversight for 2023 – 2025; Re... -
4th Meeting of the 227th Session of the ICAO Council
Episode 4
Recommendations by the Technical Advisory Body (TAB) on CORSIA eligible emission units; Environmental protection – Recent developments in ICAO and other United Nations bodies and international organizations.
6th Meeting of the 227th Session of the ICAO Council
Episode 5
Appointment of the President of the Air Navigation Commission (ANC); ICT Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2025; Programme of ICAO meetings for 2023 and tentative programme of meetings for 2024-2025; Work Programmes of the Council and its Committees for the 228th Session; Any other business.
7th Meeting of the 227th Session of the ICAO Council
Episode 6
Condolences; Annual Report of the Evaluation and Audit Advisory Committee (EAAC); Any other business.