Air Cargo: Perspectives on Legal Frameworks & Solution Implementation

Air Cargo: Perspectives on Legal Frameworks & Solution Implementation

“The webinar Air Cargo Digitalization in COVID-19 Times: Perspectives on Legal Frameworks and Implementation is part of a series on digitalization through which ICAO and partner United Nations (UN) agencies are promoting the concept of air cargo digitalization and raising awareness among States’ civil aviation administrations, customs authorities, economic regulators, and industry stakeholders of the fundamental role of air cargo transportation system as part of the broader supply chain that will drive global economic recovery expansion. Tailored to the States in the ICAO North America, Central America, South America and Caribbean Regions, this edition focuses on legal frameworks that enable implementation of digital transport and trade solutions: What are the latest developments and plans to advance digitalization? What are some of the legal challenges States must address before they implement these latest standards and architectures and how? What are some of the successes and challenges implementers would like to share?”

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Air Cargo: Perspectives on Legal Frameworks & Solution Implementation
  • Air Cargo: Perspectives on Legal Frameworks and Solution Implementation

    “The webinar Air Cargo Digitalization in COVID-19 Times: Perspectives on Legal Frameworks and Implementation is part of a series on digitalization through which ICAO and partner United Nations (UN) agencies are promoting the concept of air cargo digitalization and raising awareness among States’ ...
