Advanced Air Mobility Symposium
AAM 2024 – Day 4: Airspace Design, Operating Rules, and Service Providers
Airspace Design, Operating Rules, and Service Providers
A discussion of the complex interrelationships and interdependencies amongst these aviation building blocks and how each might evolve to optimize safety and efficiency for all current and future airspace users.
The potential trade-offs between these building blocks have real impacts on stakeholders which should be fairly assessed and balanced. As technology enables new capabilities, fresh analysis and consideration of these aviation building blocks is necessary.
Ms. Ruby Sayyed, Global Head of Air Traffic, International Air Transport Association (IATA).
Mr. Ralph Tamburro, Program Manager, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ).
Mr. Robin Garrity, Senior External Affairs Officer, SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking.
Mr. Erick Corona, Director, Con Ops & Airspace Ecosystem Development, Wisk Aero.
Mr. Matthew Satterly, Head of Global Policy and Acting Head of Government & Community Affairs for Europe, Wing.
Mr. Andrew Lacher, Chief Technologist for Future Airspace Operations, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center (NASA LaRC).
Ms. Michelle Bishop, Director Programs, Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO).
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