Training Management Weeks

Training Management Weeks

Are you looking to enhance your training management skills? We have the courses for you!
Hear from industry experts Capt. Mostafa Hoummady, Mr. Kaj Christensen, and Ms. Mary Sindiga who will provide a comprehensive overview about ICAO’s Training Management courses and answer essential questions such as:
• How can the training management courses benefit your day-to-day activities?
• What strategies can training organization managers implement to meet operational and quality standards?
• How can you successfully maintain the status of your authorized training organization?
Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear directly from ICAO experts and learn how to be an effective aviation training manager.
For more information about the Training Management Weeks:

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Training Management Weeks
  • Training Management

    Are you looking to enhance your training management skills? We have the courses for you!
    Hear from industry experts Capt. Mostafa Hoummady, Mr. Kaj Christensen, and Ms. Mary Sindiga who will provide a comprehensive overview about ICAO’s Training Management courses and answer essential questions s...


  • Presentation Slides - Training Management Week 2023 - Webinar

    1.21 MB

    Are you looking to enhance your training management skills? We have the courses for you!
    Hear from industry experts Capt. Mostafa Hoummady, Mr. Kaj Christensen, and Ms. Mary Sindiga who will provide a comprehensive overview about ICAO’s Training Management courses and answer essential questions s...